Saturday, October 29, 2011


I want to begin today by explaining to everyone that I will no longer be writing columns for the Russell County News-Register.  On Thursday morning, I submitted my latest column for Saturday's paper (which follows this explanation) and they refused to print it.  The following is the email I received from the editor of the paper after he received my submission:


I have talked with you in the past about writing columns on local folks or issues and it is something we'd rather not participate in at this time. We feel it is in the best interest of the newspaper, and its current management since Mr. Davenport passed, that we steer from this type of column at the present time. We welcome columns for the News-Register on national issues, and as I've told you before you're welcome to continue writing on those topics. Thanks.

Derek Aaron
Managing Editor
Times Journal/Russell County News-Register
270-866-3191 phone
270-866-3198 fax
PO Box 190
120 Wilson Street
Russell Springs Ky, 42642
I responded to him by saying that I didn't realize that the Kentucky gubernatorial election was a "local" issue.  I am no longer interested in spending my time to contribute to the local paper.  But, I will continue to write and post by blog.  The following is the column that was rejected:
            As of the last few days, we have been inundated with campaign ads on television bashing Governor Beshear—all of them paid for by a PAC called “Restoring America”, the ONLY donor of this PAC being our own local gazillionaire, Terry Stephens of Stephens Pipe and Steel, the daddy-in-law of governor-wannabe David Williams.  Like Democratic State Chairman, Dan Logsdon said, “Now we know why Restoring America fought so hard to hide its donors, because Restoring America has one donor — Terry Stephens, David Williams’ father-in-law…Now we know why they set up shell committees, laundered money and fought restraining orders. It's become clear that Williams and his father-in-law wanted to avoid Kentucky's campaign finance laws and hide their scheme to funnel money into the support of Williams’ campaign,”
            Of course, Williams’ campaign chairman, Donald Storm denied the allegations saying, “This outrageous allegation is 100 percent false.  Senator Williams does not take lightly these reckless, defamatory comments and believes that those making them should be held to personal account.”  In an email to reporters on Wednesday, Stephens said he didn’t direct Restoring America to support any particular candidate or campaign and denied that there was any collusion or cooperation to support any candidate’s campaign.
            Yeah, right.  The only thing “outrageous” is that either one of them could make those statements with a straight face.  That must be why Stephens addressed it in an email instead of speaking directly to the reporters.  His contribution of nearly $1.4 million came after a $1 million contribution to the Republican Governors Association and only 15 days after he hosted a fundraiser at his home for his son-in-law that garnered nearly $63,000.  It’s difficult to imagine that Stephens is spending all these millions just because he thinks sonny is such a fine man or because he wants to see Robin as Kentucky’s First Lady—no, methinks he might be expecting a much more tangible return on his investment.
            Perhaps it is time for an Occupy Russell County event because this is the perfect example of what the 99% are demonstrating about.  Oh, I forgot, that won’t work because too many people in this county are beholden to the Terry Stephens’es of this county for a job—even if that job only pays minimum wage with no benefits, while he spends the massive profits off their nearly slave-labor on attempting to buy an election for his son-in-law—hopefully, a futile attempt.
            But let’s look at the content of the ads that Pops has funded.  The one I have seen the most often claims that Governor Beshear has pardoned convicted felons.  "When Steve Beshear became governor, one of his early actions was to grant pardons to convicted felons. Governor Beshear has granted partial pardons to at least eight convicted murderers and 14 rapists, allowing them to vote and even run for office." At this point in the ad, you see a grainy black & white video showing men walking out of a prison cell. 
Although the governor has the ability to issue pardons, Governor Beshear has NOT issued any pardons since being in office.  He has, like many of his predecessors, issued “partial pardons” which are also known as a restoration of civil rights, to convicted felons cited in the commercial, all of whom had completed their sentences.  Not mentioned in the ad is that in 2001, David Williams as a state senator, voted with the majority in the General Assembly to make it easier for convicted felons to apply for partial pardons after they left prison or parole.  Those convicted felons mentioned in the ad did just that, and they were able to do it because of the legislation that David Williams help to pass.  The partial pardon does NOT clear their record or restore all their rights, as the commercial attempts to make you believe.
It remains to be seen whether or not Stephens’ millions will pay off the way he wants it to, but we don’t have to wait to see whether or not it was money honorably spent.   I wonder if he’s ever thought of becoming a philanthropist and spending some of those millions on doing something good for his community.  Nah, after all, he’s part of the 1%.


  1. Thank you Kathy...Excellent article... you may be falling on deaf ears in this state..
    We are heading to D.C. next week end to encircle the White House, along with thousands of others who want to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline. We plan to also join the OWS group in D.C.
    keep up the good work

  2. Love you kathy,keep up the good work...
