Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good Night and May God Bless…

            Like everyone, I’m glad the election is over.  Dr. Rand Paul is our Senator-Elect and I wish him well and I pray that he is guided by God’s wisdom in his next 6-year endeavor.  I do feel sorry for the little old lady patient appearing in his ad who won’t be able to rely upon him as her doctor.  She seemed sweet and now she will need a new eye doctor.
                I find the election of Senator Reid in Nevada an interesting election.  I think it is a small commentary on Americans that he retained his seat so handily in spite of the narrow lead Sharron Angle had in the polls.  It says something about us as Americans.  Once Americans, whether natural-born or naturalized, we insist on exercising our rights as Americans immediately.  And that’s what the Hispanic vote did for Harry Reid in Nevada—that, along with the obvious ridiculous-but-always-entertaining Sharron Angle gaffes and sound bytes.  No matter how unpopular Harry Reid was in Nevada, the voice of reason still prevailed.  So, those middle-aged white voters—independents, moderate Republicans and center-leaning (Blue Dog?) Democrats along with the Hispanic vote pushed Harry Reid to victory.  Bravo!
                I, too, cringed when I first saw Jack Conway’s “aqua-Buddha” ad.  It’s always fascinating yet repelling, when we see otherwise intelligent candidates do something to implode.  But, Jack Conway is not finished.  He is a young, energetic, smart man who will have his time.  No doubt, we will be hearing and seeing more of him in the future and I wish him well.  For now, let’s see what you can do, Rand Paul.  But, I don’t think Kentuckians and the rest of Americans, including the Tea Party is going to put up with a totally do-nothing Congress for two years.  I, for one, plan to hold your feet to the fire Senator-Elect Paul—along with President Obama and the rest of the Dems.  We have nothing to be ashamed of.  It’s time to rally our base.  Stand up for what we believe in and don’t give away the store.  The Republicans have made it clear that they have no intention of compromising.  They’ve said it over and over again, starting with the admission of Senator McConnell as to his goal and plan for the Republicans for the next two years and continuing on with Speaker-Elect, Tan Man, John Boehner saying, “Now is not the time for compromise…”
Americans are smarter than that.  If we  are still hurting in 2012, we’ll see another wave and I don’t think the “just say no” Republicans or even the tea partiers will like the results.

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